What Are The Health Benefits Of Body Massage?
Back massage has a beneficial effect on your physical and emotional state. Massage has a serious and positive effect on the joints, ligaments, muscles, subcutaneous layers, and the skin itself. Classic massage removes fatigue, back pain, and tension. The most diverse types can treat a number of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
What is the benefit of massage?
You don’t have to wait for serious problems or a diagnosis to get a massage. Once a year for general strengthening purposes, you can use the services of specialists at MassageAddict in the absence of medical contraindications.
Massaging the skin activates subcutaneous processes and the work of body systems such as:
- blood circulation;
- the lymphatic system
- neurological system;
- respiratory system.
After the massage, the patients experience either energy and a surge of strength, or a desire to lie down and sleep in the case of disorders in the nervous system and from overwork.
What specific processes does massage activate and how does this happen?
- Mechanical massage increases the temperature in this area, and under the influence of heat, enzymatic and metabolic processes are accelerated;
- Dead cells are removed faster, which improves the work of the sebaceous glands;
- The central nervous system picks up the mechanical effect and responds to the stimulus with responses;
- Blood supply increases, subcutaneous layers, and skin receive more oxygen and nutrients;
- Stagnant formations are leveled.
Massage affects the bone and muscle system. Special techniques and movements relax the muscles, elasticity increases and oxygen access to the tissue improves.
After prolonged and serious physical exertion, the normal condition of the muscles is restored quite quickly, which cannot be compared even with a half-hour rest.
How therapeutic massage helps the body
A professional warm-up helps to normalize the central nervous system. Muscle response to brain commands is established and internal metabolic processes are improved.
The depth of treatment is evident locally, the back massage allows you to relax to get rid of the pain. With regular sessions, sleep improves, and resistance to stress increases. But much more important is what happens inside when the large and small circles of circulation are activated. Thus, massage can be beneficial to your health.